This club is located 15 minutes from Junction 15 M4 East Swindon at the Black Cat Archery Woodland site, Roves Farm, Sevenhampton, Swindon, Wiltshire SN6 7QG.
The 30-lane HFT practice course is set in woodland with an adjacent 55-yard zero / plinking range and two shooting benches.
We also have an indoor range which caters for 10-yard and 6-metre sub 6 ft lbs air rifles or pistols.
If you would like to become a member of the club, have a go at air gun shooting or just find out more about the sport but not shoot, please come along and see what we can offer.
We offer a low-cost day rate and you may visit up to three times before deciding whether to join or not.
Black Cat Air Rifle Club is also affiliated with the National Small-Bore Rifle Association NSRA which includes shooting insurance for our members and guest shooters.
Facilities include a toilet and kitchen to make a brew.